
Pat Williams Apartments

Pat williams apartments

Location: Seattle, Washington

Client: Plymouth Housing

Completed: 2013

The new Williams Apartments, part of Plymouth Housing Group’s properties, incorporates significant sustainable and green design elements. As new construction, the Williams Apartments is designed to reduce environmental impact and has achieved LEED Platinum certification. This project included Evergreen Sustainability Standards and additional sustainable design elements to further reinforce treading softly on the existing conditions.

Fazio Associates designed the streetscape and courtyard. Stormwater from the roof level flows into a vegetated bio-planter which along with integrated art and benches, becomes the feature within the courtyard area. The landscape amenities also include a raised p-patch planter where residents can grow vegetables and flowers. Greenscreen with climbing vines in both the courtyard and at the exterior of the building help soften the concrete walls.

Awards: 2014 Charles L. Edson Tax Credit Excellence Awards Honorable Mention in Special Needs Housing